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2 July 2015
Title Time Description
Ancaster pool 10:00 PM to 10:05 PM Jim Fisher(07/01/2015 07:43am) - meet at pool for 6:00pm. Bmac Speedy Spooner and myself are in
Graham Hartwell (07/01/2015 10:32am) - I'm oot
John Spekkers (07/01/2015 06:43pm) - I'm in
shawn koslowski (07/01/2015 08:38pm) - I'm in
Steve Cowan (07/01/2015 10:06pm) - im in,hopefully ma shoes have dried out
Chris Bodden (07/01/2015 10:20pm) - I'm out, but why is Steve wearing his Ma's shoes.? And why is he worried that his Ma's shoes are wet.
shawn koslowski (07/02/2015 04:40pm) -I'll takes some pix for ya. Is kinda weird though!