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Turkey point

by jspekkers
Category: Special Events (Red)
When: May 25, 2016 at 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

John Spekkers(05/24/2016 06:58am) - Please let me know if you are coming for the Sat morning ride and anybody else like your wife by Wednesday. I am making burgers for the barbecue after ride and would like to roughly know how many to make. Weather is looking pretty good.
Jim Fisher (05/24/2016 12:43pm) - Donna and I are in. Let me know how I can help out Johnny. I will put a case of beer on ice for the boys .
Graham Hartwell (05/24/2016 10:15pm) - in!
Brian McDonald (05/26/2016 04:44pm) - we won't be there johnny, i have to work.